Walk By Faith - Increased Offertory Program

We Walk by Faith

Increased Offertory Initiative October 19th & 20th!

"For we walk by faith, and not by sight." 2 Corinthians 5:7
The Ignatius Study Bible states that this verse is a "rule of Christian life on Earth where Christ is present but hidden in the Scriptures, the Sacraments, and our souls. One in eternity will our faith give way to the vision of God "face to face". 

From Fr. Matt...

The irony is, what is seen is transitory and what is unseen is eternal. It’s crazy to think that the physical, material, tangible world we live in, is transitory, fleeting and passing. And that the unseen, invisible, and spiritual realm is in fact more real and of greater importance because it is eternal and will never pass away! It is crazy to think how much effort and time we place in living for this world as if its the only thing we have, without looking to or considering where we are ultimately headed? And what is ultimately most important:

Heaven - Eternal Salvation - the Kingdom of Jesus Christ!

So many people are lost and without hope because they do not know there is a God who loves them, redeemed them and has plans for their lives. They are just living as if this life is all there is! But for us who bear the name Christian, who are members of Saint J’s, we can speak of and point to HIM - Jesus Christ - who opens a door and a horizon to a new life and an eternal existence that is far superior to this passing world!
The world is a mess because most people live for this world and themselves or just the people they desire. They live with a very narrow view of life. Saint J’s is inviting everyone to taste and see the goodness of the Lord! We invite all of our parishioners to consider giving sacrificially of their time, talents and treasure, to become part of the JOY Movement, and make the invisible God present through our witness, love, prayers and service. Our sacrifices are seeds sown into heaven, that reap a harvest for the Kingdom of Heaven.

Saint J’s is doing something very special in Quincy and beyond, and that is because so many have said “yes” to Walking By Faith!
In preparation for this initiative, we launched a 54 Day Rosary Novena on Friday August 30th. We are asking all parishioners to take time each day (or as best as you can) to pray for the financial well being of our parishes, and for a robust response to the “We Walk by Faith” Increased Offertory Initiative


For all the prayer, support, and generosity that you gave and give, thank you!

